Some dancers seem to stand out beyond the others. They have it all. They have mastered what is needed to be a great dancer. What is this? How do you get it? No, it does not happen overnight. It is hard work. Getting someone to coach you is so very important. You need someone to guide you. A general studio teacher can give you a head start but is not necessarily the one who can make your rise to the top. Find a dance coach to help you be it in the studio or as so many are doing today find someone virtually. Do not stop your regular classes as they are important. Invest the time and the money into something special which is you. Here are some hints to help you until you find that special person

Dance Outside Your Comfort Zone: If you love Orientale, fine! Now work on Folklore. Folklore is people. There are so many different styles. You might find you like it. It will had depth and distinction to your dance. Pick dances you find difficult. Learn how to be comfortable there so you can express what the dances mean and be part of that tribe.

Push for Tougher Choreography: Work on dance that is above your level. Work on those extra turns etc. That is what class is all about. Work beyond your comfort zone. Yes, you have to be comfortable when performing. But, in class and practice, if you do not extend yourself you will never grow.

Analyze Every Step: Not only steps but every single movement you make, in every way, shape or form. Make sure you are using the right muscles. This is the way you get longevity in dance. Clean up arm placement, yes. Then look at every step. Look at all the details. Ask yourself am I using my back to support my arms and and overall alignment Then, do this to translate everything you do.

Study your Transitions: This is the space between steps and timing. This helps with technique all the way around. This also helps with timing. Make sure you breathe. Make sure you plie when needed and that when you releve your placement is correct. Make sure your weight is correct when coming out of a turn.

Build Strength with Musicality: Work with the music. When the music swells make that movement juicier, this way your supporting leg will get stronger as you develope the movement. Play with the way you approach your arms. Your arms work with your movements. They are not an added flourish. port de Bras also help with upper body clarity if done correctly. This improves your total carriage and makes a full picture.

Fill In The Blanks On Your Own: If you are struggling with parts of a solo, pay extra attention to particular movements in class. Try working the combination that is giving you trouble on the opposite side. Emotionally connect to your work. Without emotion you have virtually nothing. Research the movement and get a full understanding of the work and of the movement.

Now you have a place for thought. Start here! Work on your own and in class on the above things. Find a dance partner to work with. Hopefully, someone at least on a par with you of better. Help each other. Then search for a coach. We can help you. It is what we do.For the past 20 years or so this is what we have done. We help with not only the movements in both Raks Orientale but also in different regions of Egypt and Lebanon for Folklore but also the musicality, choreography, improvisation and staging required in all forms of Arabic Style Dance. If we do not we can put you in contact with someone who is a leader in the style you want. If you are a teacher who needs help contact us. We can help!

Morwenna Assaf = Author, Choreographer & Educator
Walid Assaf = Percussionist, & Educator
Art/Dance Academy, USA 760-715-2276


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