DANCERS: They spend their whole life aiming for perfection. Now, there is no problem with aiming for perfection as it keeps your ideals at a high standard. Will you ever reach that goal? NO! But, it gives you power to be be better all the time.

We all want to have, perfect feet, the perfect body etc. But dance like life is a questionable thing. We fully desire to conquer space and time. We want our dance to be perfect. We are humans after all. The unending refinement of our dance ability is through sustained training and exploration. This is where vitality comes in. It provides us with the opportunity to feed our need for discovery and humility.

CLASS: The real goal is to arrive early for class being prepared to learn. Class is a joy. View in your mind the treasure trove of what you learn Savor the intricacies of each movement. Every gesture is is worthy of your attention. Feel you are getting closer to perfection every day.

TEACHING: Even as an instructor you have the responsibility of shaping students. Do this with the mindset that you are still learning about your art.There is no end. Do not hold back what you teach. That is selfish! Put it all out there to make them great. You are growing as you grow them.

PERFORMING:There is no such thing as a perfect performance. It is a living, breathing reality. There is always a movement that could have been executed cleaner. An interaction that could have been richer. If you felt a performance had reached perfection there would be nothing left to strive for. Aiming for perfection gives an ongoing gift of discovery.

AUDIENCE: What does perfect performing mean to your audience.The magic of a live performance is to see dancers striving for perfection. The average viewer is not a dancer and watches in amazement. The dancers at any level do their best. It means more than just entertainment It is inspiration and consolation. Yes, be the best you can be.

Morwenna Assaf = Author, Choreographer & Educator
Walid Assaf = Percussionist, & Educator
Art/Dance Academy, USA 760-715-2276


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