ELEMENTS OF DANCE / FUNDAMENTALS OF MOVEMENT Part 2 Here is Part 2 as promised. I hope these articles are of help to you. They are the basis of all great dancing. You need all of them to be a good dancer. Do not leave any out. Be the best you can be. While we are all on this lockdown called COVID-19 spend your time wisely. These are the building blocks of dance. 5. BALANCE: Balance is concerned with more than balancing on one leg. Your aim is to achieve and constantly maintain an inner balance of the whole body. It is tension of mutual support among all parts that bring the whole together in a new way. It is an inner relationship between all the points of your body which you hold your awareness. It is not something you do once in a while. It is constant. A sense of balance whether you are moving or standing. In the actual act of balancing, if you can find inner balance, you are nearly there. If you are aware internally of the need for the sensation o...